WELCOME to the ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau!

Welcome to the ARRL Sixth District Incoming QSL Bureau.

You do not have to be a member of the ARRL to use the Incoming QSL Bureau.

The Sixth District Incoming QSL Bureau is staffed by over two dozen dedicated California radio amateurs who volunteer their time to distribute DX QSL cards to you. Many have donated their time for more than a decade! See the Contact Us page about that.

We handle DX to USA 6th District QSLs only. We do not accept outgoing cards from stateside hams. If you have any questions about what cards we handle, please email us.

Outgoing cards to DX from USA hams should go via ARRL's Outgoing QSL Bureau in Newington, CT. Click the button in the top menu for more information.

A few things specific to the Sixth District Bureau are:

  • PLEASE NOTE! Due to some complaints from clients, we will no longer accept postage due mail (mail that does not have the correct postage on it). Postage due mail will be returned to the sender. Please be careful when sending us large and/or thick envelopes. The USPS considers these to be packages and charges extra for them. You can calculate the appropriate price to mail us large and/or thick envelopes (IE containing SASEs) by clicking here. Enter your zip code and ours (95267), and then click "Calculate price based on Shape and Size."

  • The Sixth District QSL Bureau prefers to supply envelopes for you. Each envelope, including one first class stamp, is $1.20 each. You must send a self-sticking label with your call sign, name and address for each envelope ordered. The Bureau suggests you order a minimum of four (4) envelopes and no more than ten (10) at one time.

  • If you normally receive many DX QSLs, please send additional funds to purchase stamps for additional postage.

  • You may send your own envelopes but they must be 5" x 7 1/2", #35. No 6" x 9" or legal size envelopes will be accepted.
    DX QSLs do not fit in smaller envelopes and larger envelopes do not fit in our files.
    PLEASE! No greeting card envelopes! They aren't sturdy enough to safely mail your valuable QSLs!

  • If you decide to use your own 5" x 7 1/2" envelopes, you must:
  • --Address the envelope horizontally with your name clearly printed or typed. Good rubber stamp impressions or self-sticking labels may be used but should be large enough to be readable.

    --Print your call sign in letters 1/4" to 1/2" high clearly in the upper left-hand corner. Do not print a name or return address under the call sign.

    --Place one first class stamp (for one ounce) in the upper right hand corner.

  • You may send stamps for extra postage, but a cash deposit is preferred. You may send a check or money order payable to "6th District QSL Bureau". An individual account will be kept for you and when more envelopes or postage are required, you will be advised.

  • Your account is maintained by, and cards shipped from, an individual letter sorter as determined by the first letter following the "6" in your callsign. The individual sorters are literally spread throughout California. When you send envelopes, monies or an inquiry, it may be several weeks before your individual letter sorter receives them. We distribute sorted cards and envelopes to the individual sorters every 3-4 months as volume warrants. If your mail arrives at the Post Office just after a pickup, it is very likely that it will be 12-16 weeks before your sorter receives it. If he or she sends you a shipment of cards in the meantime, your account status would not show your latest submission. It should appear on the next shipment however.

  • General information which applies to all of the ARRL-supported U.S. Incoming QSL Bureaus is available from the ARRL Web pages here. Although the Incoming Bureau system operates under the guidance of ARRL, you are not required to be an ARRL member to use it.


    We encourage you to keep your current email address up to date at www.QRZ.com. Many of our Sorters use that web site to email you if needed.


    The ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau is for incoming QSL cards only. The Bureau consists of volunteers who provide this valuable service to their fellow hams. Many of our volunteers have been working for the Bureau for more than 15 years! Cards arrive at our P.O. Box from various sources, such as other DX Bureaus around the world and the ARRL Incoming Bureau. Upon arrival, the cards are pre-sorted by grouping the cards alphabetically by the first letter of the call suffix (I.E. W6AM, K6AFT, N6AA and WB6AQL would all go into the same "A" stack). Each letter of the alphabet (aka "segment") has a sorter assigned to handle the actual mailing of QSLs as well as notices when a ham has cards on file but no envelopes or postage. Every 3-6 months (depending on volume), the cards accumulated for each segment are mailed from the 6th District Bureau to the sorters. Each letter sorter is then responsible for matching up those cards with envelopes provided by you, the 6th District hams, and mailing when one ounce or more of cards are accumulated for each call with envelopes on file. They also notify any ham who has cards on file but no envelopes. Each sorter puts in many hours handling the many hundreds or even thousands of cards for his or her segment, all for no pay as a Bureau volunteer. If you get a chance, send a note to your segment sorter letting him or her know how they are doing. They will appreciate hearing from you. And please...keep in mind that this is a service provided 100% by volunteers. Sometimes our volunteers have personal things going on that delay their mailings. Patience is a virtue. If you feel there is an abnormal delay, please reach out to your Sorter. If you don't receive a satisfactory response, please contact our General Manager. Repeat, patience is a virtue.

    If you have any questions about our operation or your account, please contact us.

    F T DXCC Approved Operations
    T T T San Diego DX Club
    T T International DX Foundation
    T T E B C G I K N S